It is the policy of Final Expense Leads Pro to fully comply with all applicable Do Not Call (DNC) laws and regulations regarding wired and wireless telephone communications. In order to provide consumers with the opportunity to exercise their DNC rights, we have established the following procedures:
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Time Restrictions: No representative of Final Expense Leads Pro shall initiate any telephone solicitation to any residential telephone subscriber before 8:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. local time at the called party’s location.
Compliance with Guidelines: Final Expense Leads Pro abides by the guidelines set out by the National Federal Trade Commission and local state guidelines. All numbers on the National, State, and Wireless DNC lists are regularly updated every 31 days. These numbers are promptly removed from our active calling list and placed on the Master DNC List. Additionally, if someone requests to have their numbers added to the DNC, they will be automatically included in the Master DNC List, which is updated daily. Any further communication from someone wishing to be on our DNC list will be manually added to the Master DNC List, ensuring no contact is made. We also conduct monthly verification of our DNC regulatory compliance through an independent third party.
Filtering Process: Prior to making any telephone solicitation, Final Expense Leads Pro removes all telephone numbers from a newly obtained solicitation list that is currently listed in the Master DNC list. This filtering process is automated at the database level.
Synchronization: As an extra precaution, the Master DNC list is automatically synchronized between all dialing systems and databases on a daily basis. This electronic synchronization ensures that all newly added or synchronized telephone numbers are promptly removed from all dialing systems and solicitation lists.
Exceptions: The procedures outlined in (3) and (4) do not apply in the following cases:
(a) Prior Express Permission: If Final Expense Leads Pro has the subscriber’s prior express permission, evidenced by a signed written agreement stating that the consumer agrees to be contacted by the company, including the specific telephone number.
(b) Personal Relationship: If the company representative making the call has a personal relationship with the recipient of the call, meaning the person called is personally known to the caller.
(c) Established Business Relationship: If Final Expense Leads Pro has an “established business relationship” as defined by law, which creates an expectation on the part of the consumer that a particular company will contact them. An established business relationship with one company may extend to an affiliate of that company if the consumer would reasonably expect the affiliate to be included as part of the relationship, such as for customer service or billing concerns.
At Final Expense Leads Pro, we are committed to upholding these procedures and ensuring strict compliance with DNC laws and regulations.